Designed and built a set of high speed clutch brake controllers for a packaging machine rebuild.
The original devices would destroy themselves if theclutch or brake coils shorted, and occasionally when they failed open. As there do not seem to be overdriving clutch brake controllers for 6V devices in 24V systems, we had to design and build new ones.
The new devices have an impulse of 24V of adjustable duration to engage/ disengage the clutch or brake rapidly. After the initial impulse, the voltage is reduced to 5V to reduce wear and tear on the devices, as well as reducing heat. The new devices are current limited to eliminate failure due to short circuit.
The new devices were built using printed circuit boards for reliability and life. All components were cold bonded to the printed curcuit board to reduce the risk of failure due to vibration, and mounted to adapters to allow mounting to standard DIN rail.

Group of 4 completed boards

Close up of completed Board

Close up of Completed Board