Control Retrofits
Energy saving control add ons
PLC to control hydraulic pump run
Kettle Controls
Refrigeration Controls
Productivity, reliabilty, and ease of use control add ons
PLC to control mixer cycles (several)
PLC to control drier
sensor program and HMI add ons to make filler more friendly
interface add on to packaging machine
Process Freezer
Troubleshooting screens for HMI
Reliability improvements to process machines.
Several generations of upgrades to 'stuffing' machines.
Process liquid dispensing meters.
Process release agent conditioner.
Product loading lift control
Paper slitter control retrofit from 1980s vintage PC to PLC
Multi lane weigh scale control overhaul from PC to PLC and HMI.
Vertical form fill seal machnine control and operator interface replacement.
CNC welding machine control and operator interface replacement.
Sewage airation ORP control and SCADA integration.
Replacement of Camco gearbox with servo to improve reliability and speed.
PLC Controlled process simulator.
Industrial turbine steam pressure controller retrofit.
Aquaculture DO2 controls.
Complete replacement of controls for vertical form fill seal machine to improve uptime and process speed. Redesigned and had fabricated several key mechanical components at the same time.
Safety Retrofits to numerous machines.
Modified a capping machine to add uncap/ recap to specific torque to address QC issue using an inteligent servo and operator interface. Designed mechanicals to interface same.
Control makup, exhaust and wet scrubber air based on static and differential air pressures for an industrial process to reduce energy costs and improve operator comfort/safety.
Integrate pneumatic pick-and-place into an existing machine to improve speed and reliability.
Design, program and comission controls for automatic level control up stream of a 10 gate dam on a larger midwestern river.